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  • International Labour Office

International Labour Office (Nombre corporativo)

Preferred form: International Labour Office
Used for/see from:
  • B.I.T. (International Labour Office)
  • BIT (International Labour Office)
  • Bureau international du travail
  • D.G.E. (International Labour Office)
  • Daftar-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Kār
  • DGE (International Labour Office)
  • Diethnes Grapheion Ergasias
  • Guo ji lao gong ju, Rineiwa
  • I.A.A. (International Labour Office)
  • I.L.O. (International Labour Office)
  • IAA (International Labour Office)
  • ILO (International Labour Office)
  • Internacia Labor Oficejo
  • International Labour Organisation. International Labour Office
  • International Labour Organization. International Labour Office
  • Internationales Arbeitsamt
  • Internationella arbetsbyrån
  • Kantor Perburuhan Internasional
  • Kokusai Rōdō Jimukyoku
  • League of Nations. International Labour Office
  • MʻAD (International Labour Office)
  • Maktab al-ʻAmal al-Dawlī
  • Mezhdunarodnai͡a organizat͡sii͡a truda
  • Międzynarodowe Biuro Pracy
  • Miz͡hnarodne bi͡uro prat͡si
  • O.I.T. (International Labour Office)
  • Oficina Internacional del Trabajo
  • Oficina Internacional del Treball
  • OIT (International Labour Office)
  • Secretaria Internacional do Trabalho
  • Starptautiskais darba birojs
  • U.I.L. (International Labour Office)
  • Ufficio internazionale del lavoro
  • UIL (International Labour Office)
  • Uluslararası Çalışma Bürosu
  • Văn phòng lao động quốc tế
  • مكتب العمل الدولي
  • 国际劳工局·日内瓦
  • Earlier heading: International Labor Office

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

Non-Latin script references not evaluated.

The following subdivisions have not been used as headings: Automation Unit; Human Resources Dept.

Afghānistān va Sāzmān-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Kār, 2005: cover (Daftar-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Kār)

Bellmunt, D. de L'Organització Internacional de Treball, 1930: p. 8, etc. (Oficina Internacional del Treball)

Bulteno de la Internacia Labor Oficejo, aug. 1923: caption (Bureau international du travail, Genève)

Ėkonomicheskiĭ rost i dostoĭnyĭ trud, 2008: cover (Mezhdunarodnai͡a organizat͡sii͡a truda)

Info from 678, Sept. 24, 2016 (Established by articles 392-398 of the Treaty of Versailles, 1919, under the control of a governing body consisting of twenty-four persons. A part of the permanent organization of the International Labor Organization)

International Labour Organisation. Formation professionnelle rurale, SEN/71/526, 1976: cover (BIT, Organisation internationale du travail)

Its Recent publications ... Oct. 1942: t.p. (International Labour Office, ILO) verso pf t.p. (I.L.O.)

Labour and social trends in Indonesia, 2008, 2008: t.p. (International Labour Office) p. i, Indonesian version (Kantor Perburuhan Internasional)

Mesleki eğitim, 1987: t.p. (Uluslararası Çalışma Bürosu)

Programa Regional del Empleo para América Latina y el Caribe. Situación y perspectivas ... 1972: t.p. (Oficina Internacional del Trabajo) cover (OIT)

Suchasnyĭ stan, problemy ta tendent͡siï sot͡sialʹno-trudovykh vidnosyn v Ukraïni, 2003: t.p. (Miz͡hnarodne bi͡uro prat͡si)

Tendências do trabalho infantil no Brasil ... 2004: t.p. (Secretaria Internacional do Trabalho) t.p. verso (International Labour Office)

Thương lượng tập thể, 1997: t.p. (Văn phòng lao động quốc tế, Geneva)

Yearbook of internat. orgs., 1978: A2183g (Oficina Internacional del Trabajo, OIT)

Yearbook of internat. orgs., 1981: B2183g (under rubric International Labour Organisation (ILO): The International Labour Office (Bureau international du travail BIT; Oficina Internacional del Trabajo OIT) is the secretariat of the Organisation)

Zhuan xing zhong de lao dong li shi chang, 2005: t.p. (国际劳工局·日内瓦 Guo ji lao gong ju, Rineiwa)
