Brain briefs : answers to the most (and least) pressing questions about your mind /

Markman, Arthur B.,

Brain briefs : answers to the most (and least) pressing questions about your mind / Art Markman, Bob Duke. - x, 277 páginas : ilustraciones ; 22 cm .

Incluye índice y referencias bibliográficas.

1. Does being open to experience lead to success? ; 2. Can we really make ourselves happy? ; 3. How do we catch a liar? ; 4. Should we play brain games? ; 5. Do stories help us remember? ; 6. Is pain open to interpretation? ; 7. Do schools teach the way children learn? ; 8. Why do tongue twisters work? ; 9. Do we get more done when we multitask? ; 10. Can we be conscientious and creative? ; 11. Is it true that we only use 10 percent of our brains? ; 12. Is our memory doomed to fail? ; 13. Why are continuity errors in movies difficult to catch? ; 14. Are all narcissists alike? ; 15. Does time speed up as we get older? ; 16. Why is forgiveness so powerful? ; 17. Is our thinking ever coherent? ; 18. Are our beliefs consistent with one another? ; 19. Why is it hard to learn a new language? ; 20. Is our right brain different from our left brain? ; 21. How do we overcome writer's block? ; 22. Is failure necessary? ; 23. How much of what we see is real? ; 24. Does punishment work? ; 25. Why are comparisons so helpful? ; 26. Why do people choke under pressure? ; 27. How do we decide what to buy? ; 28. What is the best way to brainstorm? ; 29. Why is online communication so ineffective? ; 30. Is it possible to remember something that didn't happen? ; 31. Is prejudice avoidable? ; 32. What's the best way to deal with life's endless litany of nuisances? ; 33. Is mind reading a necessary skill? ; 34. What are brains for, anyway? ; 35. Does listening to Mozart make us smarter? ; 36. Why are other people such slackers? ; 37. Can delusion be a good thing? ; 38. Why do we call a dog a "dog"? ; 39. Why do we love kitten videos so much? ; 40. Is nostalgia good or bad?

¿Por qué amamos tanto los videos de gatitos? ¿Acelera el tiempo a medida que envejeces? ¿Deberías jugar juegos mentales? ¿Puedes hacerte feliz? Art Markman y Bob Duke, presentadores del popular programa de radio NPR con sede en Austin y el podcast "Two Guys on Your Head", están aquí para responder a todas sus preguntas sobre cómo funciona el cerebro y por qué nos comportamos como lo hacemos. Con los últimos descubrimientos empíricos, esta es una ciencia servida en fragmentos de tamaño de bocado, divertidos y reveladores, junto con un conjunto completo de referencias para estudios posteriores.


Mente y cerebro
Comportamiento humano.

153.4 / M346b