The brain that changes itself : stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science /

Doidge, Norman,

The brain that changes itself : stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science / Norman Doidge. - 427 páginas ; 23 cm .

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1. A woman perpetually falling. rescued by the man who discovered the plasticity of our senses ; 2. Building herself a better brain. A woman labeled "retarded" discovers how to heal herself ; 3. Redesigning the brain. A scientist changes brains to sharpen perception and memory, increase speed of thought, and heal learning problems ; 4. Acquiring tastes and loves. What neuroplasticity teaches about sexual attraction and love ; 5. Midnight resurrections. Stroke victims learn to move and speak again ; 6. Brain lock unlocked : using plasticity to stop worries, obsessions, compulsions, and bad habits ; 7. Pain : the dark side of plasticity ; 8. Imagination : how thinking makes it so ; 9. Turning our ghosts into ancestors : psychoanalysis as a neuroplastic therapy ; 10. Rejuvenation : the discovery of the neuronal stem cell and lessons for preserving our brains ; 11. More than the sum of her parts : a woman shows us how radically plastic the brain can be ; Appendix 1. The culturally modified brain ; Appendix 2. Plasticity and the idea of progress. .

¿Qué es la neuroplasticidad? ¿Es posible cambiar tu cerebro? La guía inspiradora de Norman Doidge para la nueva ciencia del cerebro explica todo esto y más Una nueva ciencia asombrosa llamada neuroplasticidad está derrocando la noción centenaria de que el cerebro humano es inmutable, y está demostrando que, de hecho, es posible cambiar su cerebro. El psicoanalista, Norman Doidge, MD, viajó por el país para conocer a los brillantes científicos que defienden la neuroplasticidad, sus poderes curativos y a las personas cuyas vidas han transformado: las personas cuyas limitaciones mentales, daño cerebral o trauma cerebral se consideraron inalterables.


Mente y cerebro
Memoria--Aspectos psicológicos .

153.4 / D657r