Functional Data Analysis with R and MATLAB /

Ramsay, James,

Functional Data Analysis with R and MATLAB / by James Ramsay, Giles Hooker, Spencer Graves. - online resource. : ilustraciones. - Use R . - Use R .

Introduction to functional data analysis \\ Essential comparisons of the Matlab and R languages \\ How to specify basis systems for building functions \\ How to build functional data objects \\ Smoothing: Computing curves from noisy data \\ Descriptions of functional data \\ Exploring variation: Functional principal and canonical components analysis \\ Registration: Aligning features for samples of curves \\ Functional linear models for scalar responses \\ Linear models for functional responses \\ Functional models and dynamics.

Scientists often collect samples of curves and other functional observations, and develop models where parameters are also functions. This volume in the UseR! Series is aimed at a wide range of readers, and especially those who would like apply these techniques to their research problems. It complements Functional Data Analysis, Second Edition and Applied Functional Data Analysis: Methods and Case Studies by providing computer code in both the R and Matlab languages for a set of data analyses that showcase functional data analysis techniques.

9780387981840 9780387981857 99780387981857


Análisis Multivalente--Procesamiento de datos.
Diseño Experimental.
Estadística--cuadros, Tablas, Etc.
Análisis de datos.
Salud pública .
Estadística matemática.
Minería de datos.

519.5 / R148f 2015